20. May 2021
The Painted Geometries of Don Voisine
Don Voisine
McKenzie Fine Art
The impressive show of Don Voisine’s latest elegant paintings on panels are human scale—sized for modest living spaces—but magnanimous in stature. more
20. May 2021
Don Voisine
McKenzie Fine Art
The impressive show of Don Voisine’s latest elegant paintings on panels are human scale—sized for modest living spaces—but magnanimous in stature. more
02. March 2021
Twentytwenty. Sounded like it should’ve been perfect. Instead it’s been a year for lemonade as we’ve struggled with the pandemic. As I write this it is December first, designated as a Day without Art, a day to honor victims of another pandemic, AIDS. Thanks VISUAL AIDS and all who work for others, especially our medical care givers. more
12. June 2020
This nation has to reshape its moral imagination so that the impunity of the police and the corruption of politicians can be diminished, stopped, and reversed. We stand for the voices of art, of culture, all cultures, being allowed to speak freely. more
12. January 2020
January 1, 2019. The year started off with Bruce Weber and Joanne Pagano Weber‘s beautiful Alternative New Years Day poetry marathon—their last one in New York. We thank them for 25-years of devotion to community. more
12. November 2018
Entering our 11th year, the editors would like to thank our sponsors, Howl Happening, La Mama, and KGB. And subscribers and contributors. Thanks to our readers, audience, and party-mates. Welcome to our new Associate Editor, artist and curator Kim Power. more
01. December 2017
Barry Wallenstein’s latest collection of verse continues his pioneering foray into blending jazz and poetry. The poems are infused with a distinct musicality that’s reminiscent of raw bars and bayou blues. Stripped down emotions are buoyed by irrefutable truths. more
01. September 2016
The famous sonnet Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley, reflects on a monumental sculpture’s eventual ruin and collapse. Elisabeth Kley’s exhibition appropriated the title to likewise challenge time, while exploring such diverse concepts as individuality, transience and tradition.
17. May 2016
"Somewhere After" at Lafayette College, Easton, PA.
Judy Pfaff’s art requires several kinds of understandings. First, let’s think back to primordial installations — cave drawings and dwellings, rituals in China and Southern Africa and Native American ghost dances in buffalo robes.
25. March 2016
The Yard, Herald Square, NYC
Does Judy Rifka need to bother with the articulate justifications and cogent explanations that always accompany her latest creations? Not for this fully alive and eye-popping show more
07. September 2015
Beginning with depictions of Edo’s Floating World, Helga Kopperl has built a bridge of color and light across time and culture. more