15. November 2008

Kim Keever


At Kinz, Tillou, and Feigen
Human nature is part of nature but is also painfully apart from it. We are always aware of our separation from the innocence and sanctity we associate with nature. Art tries to address that longing, most especially in representational, landscape paintings.more

20. October 2008

Alejandro Almanza Pereda

"The Fan and the Shit"
Magnan Metz

Like accidents waiting to happen, Alejandro Almanza Pereda’s work challenges structural integrity as it engages the concepts of stability, risk and danger. In a second show at Magnan Emrich Contemporary, the artist has fine-tuned his iconoclastic, sculptural assemblages. Moving away from found objects and furniture, he builds on groundbreaking shifts in materials first expressed in Jeff Koons’ fish tank and Haim Steinbach’s commercial items displayed on shelves. Pereda’s new show extends his earlier balancing acts while rounding off some rough edges. more

01. January 2008

Banksy Storms New York

Bankrobber Gallery, London
Vanina Holasek Gallery in Chelsea, NYC

Every weekend there’s been a line outside one of the last quaint buildings left in the gallery district. The notoriously secretive Banksy is showing on all three floors of the Vanina Holasek Gallery. The windows are covered in American flags and Union Jacks with Victor rattraps attached. Other street artists, Pons and Elbow Toe have put up posters on the building and next door. A doorman with a clipped Brit accent, wearing a knee-length leather coat with a skull molded into it, allows you in. more